Welcome to Kinder Haven
Kinder Haven is a cluster of premium child care and education centres located in Victoria, New South Wales, ACT and South Australia.
At Kinder Haven, we are committed to growing the whole child.
Enrol with us today
At each of our Kinder Haven child care and early education centre, all the rooms have specific indoor and outdoor programs designed to offer your child the best opportunity to develop their physical and social skills. Our team of educators and teachers design play-based learning experiences guided by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) to help develop children’s important skills. We balance the program of both indoor and outdoor activities to stimulate all areas of your child’s development.
Nutritional meals are provided daily in our Kinder Haven centres. You will also receive updates and photos of your child’s learning and development through our parent communication app.
Join the Kinder Haven family
At our centres, we take security and your child’s safety seriously. Access to our centres is through a secure entry system. No child will be signed out or released from the centre except to you, or a person authorised by you.
You and your child are more than welcome to visit any one of our centres. By seeing firsthand what we can do for you and by speaking to our educators, you will be able to better assess the Kinder Haven approach to early childhood education.