Our Commitment to Child Protection - Kinder Haven

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Our Commitment to Child Protection

At G8 Education, we’re dedicated to ensuring the safety, protection, and well-being of the children in our care. We’re committed to creating learning environments where all children are respected, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

As a Child Safe Organisation, we embed comprehensive child protection measures that apply to all team members, including leaders, volunteers and others who may represent G8 Education in any capacity.

Child Protection Statement of Commitment

The purpose of our Child Protection Statement of Commitment is to outline expected daily behaviours, interactions and conduct of team members required to support children, prohibit any form of child abuse or neglect and ensure mandatory reporting obligations are met.

Read our Child Protection Statement of Commitment

Child Protection Policy

Our Child Protection Policy provides the framework for our approach to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, Victorian Child Safe Standards and the New South Wales Child Safe Standards.

Parent Grievance Complaint Procedure

The Parent Grievance and Complaint Procedure has been embedded across our services in order to support our families and address any concerns or grievances effectively.